Monday 20 June 2011

Cupcakes! Facial! and Weddings!

I'm so freaking EXCITED and STRESSED at the same time! My finals and the wedding of the MONTH falls on the same FREAKING week!

I'm excited cause obviously weddings make me excited! On top of that, I get to make the wedding cupcakes!!!
It took us almost 4 months to decide on what cake base to use! And another 3months to decide on what "cup" to use!!  MADNESS if you ask me!

Unfortunately, last minute stuff keep popping up! GRRRR.. nothing is going MY way.. My exam schedule was supposed to stop on wed, meaning that I will have the time to bake the cupcakes on thu. ARgh! Just last week the new revised schedule was posted and my VIVA was schedule to thursday, 4pm!
Now I can't sit and I can't eat..
Then to the cherry on the topping, my thesis is due on Saturday and Dr A#$% wants me to present before that date! Does that mean I have to go back to school on Friday I asked? He reply ask your supervisor. Bla.. My supervisor used to be the director of the hospital and is a very very busy man! He see on an average of 100 patients daily! To schedule an appointment to see him is like waiting for the blue moon!

I really need divine help.


  1. All the best Hannah. think about the week after the whole madness! that will be the ultimate divine k.

  2. yes SU! Will do my bestest :)
