Wednesday 4 May 2011

Hell to the NO!

Argh!!! Hell no! 
Can you please please please STOP asking people if they have a brother each time we go out!? BLA! I am HAPPY the way I am. I don't need a "BOY" to make me feel good about myself. 
Also, STOP offering your EXs to me! I don't care how HOTT they are. It's disgusting, you had them first, together with whatever disease they had. Yuck. No one like hand me down. 

Stop treating me like a CHARITY case! 

Stop trying to change me! If a person cannot like me because of my hair then they are definitely not worth my time! I mean come on HAIR? like hair no! U want someone with good hair go date a runway model or a movie star. 
Want me to look F*ing NEAT everyday? Do it yourself! I had ENOUGH! 

Please leave me be. 
Yes, I am going to start swearing. 

HELL NO to your controlling ways, LOVE me for who I AM!