Wednesday 19 October 2011


Bothered, that's what I am. Bothered as in worried, disturbed or upset.  

Why exactly? Well I can't really tell you why but i'm pretty sure most people will come to a stage in life when you are just "bothered" by everything. 

I go to a church where my parents are "leaders". Boy, it's no fun. Church problems become my problem. Whether or not I asked for it. (p.s. I'm not even baptized) But then again, baptizism probably means nothing to many people. Oh well.. Life sucks.. Tell me what's new... 

Then there's optometry.. 
Do I want to be an optometrist? The answer is no. 
Is there anything I can do about it? I honestly don't know. 
I used to tell all my working class friends who complain about work to "change it if you're not happy with it". 
I would love to take my own advise. If my parents didn't pay close to a 100k for my education. Or if  I was in a public university. If I haven't spent the last 3.5 years studying and moaning about it. 

And the latest development in optometry school (my school anyways)
It seems like since my school is "new" we need to work under a registered optometrist for a year to get our license. Bla.. there goes my "dream" of joining culinary school after all is said and done. 

Then there's my weight.. that's probably the only thing I can control at the moment. And yes, I am going to take my own advise on this. I don't like my weight and I will change it. 

Steve Job said, "when you find something you love it will all fall in place, we need to have faith that everything will work out" 

I am still searching. 
In the meantime, I will enjoy the little pleasures life brings. Like stripey socks...

botheredpast participle, past tense of both·er (Verb)
  1. Take the trouble to do something: "nobody bothered locking the doors"; "didn't bother to ask why".
  2. (of a circumstance or event) Worry, disturb, or upset (someone): "secrecy is an issue that bothers journalists".


  1. Normal lah....Just be urself...a fabulous Hannah...

  2. Am sure slowly all the things will be revealed to you in a clearer way as you go through it. Well, Change is inevitable. Worse come worse, you still have stripey socks what. ;)
